Monday, February 4, 2019

Jussie Smollett Attack- Madison Malonson
    Tv show "Empire" star was attacked in Chicago while walking to his apartment. Two men approached him yelling racist and homophobic slurs, then they hit him, put a noose around his neck and yelled "MAGA country", and they poured acid him. He was on the phone with his manager at the time of the attack, but declined to turn the phone in. Police have checked several cameras around the area, but they can not find any footage of the attack. We now know that, a week before the attack, someone had sent a racist letter the set of "Empire", but the police do not know if the two are connected.
     This is incredibly heartbreaking, but unfortunately it is not uncommon. A few years ago, the same type of attacks were happening in Dallas. It is so sad to know that people are still so ignorant and hateful. This connects to the times of Jim Crow and how people were outright racist and were not afraid to show how bigoted and hateful they were.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, it is heartbreaking and sad. It's crazy that this happened in Dallas.
