Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Family wants answers about Black mom found dead at adult sleepover by Joaquin Gandara

As the 2018 football season was underway, Tamla Horsford, 40, a mother of five children, went to an all-adult sleepover to watch the game and party. She was joined by other “football moms” at the sleepover, which included seven White women and three men at a home in Forsyth County, Georgia. The next morning, Horsford was found dead in the backyard.
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  1. I feel that because of the title, many are interpreting this as a racism-motivated murder, which I believe is an extremely likely possiblility. Also, just my opinion, adult sleepovers are mega sketch, especially those including “football moms”.
    -Ryan Mecca

    1. I feel like we are missing context from this situation, and I agree the title is misleading

  2. Oh my god. That's terrible. Did they ever find out what happened?
    -Bryn Bohannan

  3. That is super sketchy. I hope they find out what happened.

    1. The lack of information regarding this event is rather starting. Dont you agree

  4. The title of this article is super misleading, making it seem like a racially motivated killing when we dont even know all the facts
