Monday, February 4, 2019

ERYN FAYSON- Kaepernick murals spring up in Atlanta after art demolished by Ron Harris


Kaepernick murals spring up in Atlanta after art demolished

In Atlanta, a mural featuring Kaepernick was destroyed days before the Super Bowl. Fabian Williams was dismayed when he learned that the mural was destroyed on Friday so he committed to painting seven murals across the city. He chose seven because it was Kaepernick's jersey number and a divine number that represents god's number. He did not know how he was going to get the murals done in such a short time but other Atlanta artists helped him get the job done.

The painting that was destroyed was up for two years and survived a fire that ravaged the abandoned building months ago. There were also several high profile musicians , including Cardi B ,who  declined to take part in  the Super Bowl halftime performance to support Kaepernick.

Analysis: This article was written on February 4, 2019 and was written by Ron Harris. I believe this article was written to keep people informed and aware what is going on in communities. This article relates to history because it shows how people could come together to make changes happen. For example, the abolitionist movement many black people came together to fight for freedom. There were people such as Federick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, and many others that helped contribute to the cause. This article also keeps people aware that although Kaepernick kneeled in 2016 people still support him and it is good to see the black community sticking with each other and fighting for their rights.

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