Monday, February 4, 2019

Cathy Huynh - Outrage grows over reports of Brooklyn prison with little heat, electricity during frigid week

Summary: Outrage breaks out over reports of a Brooklyn jail limiting heat and power. The power issues began around Jan. 5, while heating issues started last week. The Federeal Bureau of Prisons said in a statement Saturday that the jail experienced a power outage "due to a fire in the switch gear room". Since then, videos of prisoners presumably banging in protest on walls for all to hear have been circulating and has caught much attention.  In response to reports of extremely cold conditions, Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, called on the jail to move inmates to a better location. "It is shocking that the government would hold people for days on end in a dark, freezing jail during one of the coldest weeks in memory," Lieberman said in a statement. "People incarcerated at the Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, not forced to struggle to survive in dangerously freezing temperatures."

Source: Outrage grows over reports of Brooklyn prison with little heat, electricity during frigid wee

Analysis: This article was written by Kalhan Rosenblatt. I did not know this what happening at all despite the videos' popularity.  This connects to U.S. history by this prison infringing the prisoners' constitutional rights. This article was written for prisoner sympathizers and was written to invoke action by protesters. This article was written, because many prisoners are being held in harsh conditions. It is also important because the government is doing this to human beings, just like us.

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