Sunday, February 3, 2019


On Sunday a small plane crashed into a Southern California house killing 2 people and injuring two others.  Also another two-story home caught on fire. The cause of this crash was the twin engine Cessna 414A crashed shortly after the plane took off. Luckily there wasn’t many on the plane only the pilot. About 75 personnel were at the active scen 2 hours after the accident at 2pm.

Personally I think everything could be checked one more time and maybe things would’ve turned out differently but we are humans and we make mistakes and technology isn’t perfect. It sucks that this has happened but at least we can learn from it and make technology evolve and become better.

This reminds me of when the singer  Aaliyah died is a plane crash. If we would’ve had the technology we have today that has reduced plane failures maybe her plane wouldn’t have went down but we will never know.


  1. This makes me realize that although the technology we make is reliable it isn’t perfect. It can blow up in our faces or malfunction at any moment.

  2. Technology is not reliable because humans with flaws and mistakes create these inventions. I do think that a more thorough check would have had a different outcome.
