Monday, January 22, 2018

Tide Pod Deaths- Soleil Singh


   Tide pods have been causing illnesses all over the country, due to the growth of memes and other factors. This has led to propaganda for Tide Pods to create a product that is edible. Now this was a little farfetch, but... a North Carolina donut shop created a Tide Pod you can actually take a bite out of. Wake N Bake Donuts in Carolina Beach created Tide Pod donuts to counter a disturbing social media trend where people post videos of themselves eating the pods. The shop posted pictures of the Tide Pod donut on Facebook Sunday. The post read, “One of our Millennial employees (Caitlin) decided to take a moment to teach they (sic) youth the difference between what to eat and what not to eat. This is a Donut….you can eat! Tide is for laundry. Available at our Carolina Beach location today!” A college student in Utah was taken to the hospital over the weekend after ingesting a Tide Pod.  A call came in late Saturday afternoon about an incident at on-campus housing, according to Eric Warren, director of media relations at the university. Campus police initially called it a “Tide Pod overdose,” but Warren said the student in question ingested a Tide Pod. Additional details about the student’s condition are unknown. Tide’s parent company, Proctor and Gamble, has released numerous statements about the danger over the last several weeks. I feel as this is a good solution, to an important issue.


  1. An important issue, indeed! Tide pods affect so many people! When will these crazy teens learn how hazardous these are?

  2. I cant believe these rascal teens actually ate tide pods. What the heck.

  3. It's crazy how far people will take a bit.

  4. That's crazy that the tide pods problem has become so big that even little donut shops are trying to stop it.
    Brooke Simpson

  5. People honestly need to stop eating tide pods like it is so unnecessary and immature. I don't know why anyone would want to eat a tide pod.

  6. Margot Tortolani
    This is insane to me. It's kind of hard to understand why someone would think eating laundry detergent is a good idea, or that it's funny or anything of the sort. I personally don't see what is so appealing about a tide pod. I hope this stops soon. :))

  7. I believe this Tide Pod thing is getting out of hand. I don't believe how people could be so stupid as to eat laundry detergent. I believe people who eat them or think of eating them should go to a mental hospital because it says on the container that detergent is deadly.

  8. Maria González
    We should learn to differentiate memes from real life. When we are babies we learn that detergent is not a snack. It’s amazing how now a detergent company has to warn us to not eat it.

  9. I honestly wonder sometimes how we get to these points. A few years ago people were doing the cinnamon challenge which was potentially lethal but at least it was an actual food. With this the companies have put as much warnings as they can. Now its just up for the teens to understand them and to stop being so dumb.

  10. I don't understand why anyone would ever eat a tide pod, you would hope that we as a nation would have enough common sense to avoid things like this... obviously not. I also think that the media is not helping the situation because many are encouraging the idea by making funny memes out of this.

  11. this lowkey upsets me that we are not even a mount into 2018 and this is what we have to show for american life in our generation.
