Monday, January 29, 2018

Mariafernanda gonzalez

Nearly half a million in Puerto Rico still in the dark 4 months after Hurricane Maria


     Back in September of 2017, Puerto Rico was hit with hurricane maria. Maria reached winds of 155mph and it was the islands most devastating natural disaster int the past 85 years. The Puerto Rico electric Power Authority says that only 68.25%, as of Thursday, of the islands power is back. This includes commercial and industrial clients. The roofs of the residents homes are being replaced by tarps issued by the government. Many people are still living in 9 different shelters across the island and there is hotels still full of residents who's house suffered severe damage.

     This news is devastating to hear. Even after four months the island is still facing little to no progress. Even if 68% of the islands energy is back i believe commercial business are the majority of that percentage and the main importance. Many citizens who live in village isolated from the most populated cities are probably being forgotten. PREPA, FEMA, and the US army engineer corps are all working together to return the electricity of the island.  


  1. This honestly makes me very disappointed and sad at the same time. As a community we need to come together and help those in need. knowing that they haven't had power for 4 months makes me angry in a way because the U.S. is a large power should be helping these people in any way we can.

  2. I feel like we haven't acted to our full ability to combat the problems in Puerto Rico. More of our resources should be going to getting the electricity back.

  3. I agree with Taylor we should work as a community to help people in need because we have the resources
