Monday, January 29, 2018

Brooke Simpson-Trump: I'll Stress Bipartisanship in 'Important' State of the Union Address

Trump: I’ll Stress Bipartisanship in ‘Important’ State of the Union Address

            President Trump’s first State of the Union speech is coming up, and he is expected to suggest bipartisanship on big items like immigration.  He is supposed to talk about a lot, including the “great success” of the stock market and tax cuts, and also push immigration policies such as DACA, and the president is hopeful to unite both the Democrats and the Republicans.  Trump has said that the Republicans can’t get anything done alone and that they need bipartisanship, and that he really wants to get things done. Kellyanne Conway has said that the president is working hard, but the Democrats are trying to stop him, but she promised a positive speech from Trump.  Guests will be parents who lost their daughters to gang violence, veterans who fought ISIS, law enforcement officers fighting opioids, and workers benefiting from tax cuts.  Officials say that there will be some tough talk, like Trump’s promise to bring unfair trade deals to and end, the speech will be light on specifics about that, but more talk about trade and global economic systems and not specifying names of countries.  Most importantly, the speech is supposed to give a tone of command and stability in the face of the political system he fell into. 

            The article was written by Ali Vitali for NBC News on January 29, 2018.  Because the State of the Union Address hasn’t happened yet, all of the information in the article will be pretty up to date.  The article was written for all Americans because Americans seem to be more vested in the presidency than any other branch of government, and the president can be called the most popular man in America, who most everyone in America is following.  This is a huge speech for the president, so it draws in attention from people even if they aren’t up to date on all politics.  The article is significant because it gives the reader an idea of what Trump will be talking about in his speech.  The bipartisanship Trump would like Americans to achieve can be compared to Washington’s Farewell Address when he warned Americans to not form political parties, but to all work together.  By the time Washington gave his speech, Hamilton and Jefferson had already made the foundations of political parties that have lasted, but now President Trump is trying to bring the two back together. 


  1. This sounds really nice and good on paper, however I have a couple of concerns. It seems in today’s world a lot of people are less focused on the good things people do and more focused on the one or two bad things they do or say. President Trump is very forward in his beliefs, and I worry that some people won’t take the big picture as it is and just try to find more ways to hate him. Do you think that this could result in a new way of thinking for our country or that it will just stay the same and the people will keep hating him for the specifics and the accusations with no proof?

  2. While I agree with Henry, Trump hasn't just said one or two bad things, he's said several that have had a massive impact on not only his approval ratings, but America's social stability.
