Sunday, January 14, 2018

Shithole President makes comment on "shithole countries"- Sanaya Gangal

Summary of Article:

     Donald Trump, who is infamously known for making demeaning and racists remarks, strikes again with his crude language when he shames Haiti, El Salvador and some parts of Africa.
     This unprecedented international outrage was a result of his impertinent comment that he made at the White House while meeting with lawmakers. As they were discussing the bipartisan immigration deal, he reportedly grew frustrated when the idea that "immigrants with protected status would need that status restored" was suggested. In response to this thought, he allegedly stated "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" The next morning, in a tweet, Trump denied using those words.

Analysis of Article:

     After of all the humiliating remarks Trump has said in the past about other nations, it isn't very surprising that he, yet again, stated another filthy comment, and then conveniently denied it after he was called out. What's really unfortunate is that instead of him apologizing for his mistakes and admitting to his wrongdoings, he always ends up lying, denying, or insulting more people. 



  1. What bothers me most about this is the fact that everyone is treating it like it’s okay and he’s just “calling it like it is”. If this was Obama saying these words, all hell would break lose and I’m disappointed that people are lowering their standards for a man who doesn’t even deserve to be our president.

  2. I completely agree with you. To make a statement like that as a supposed "world leader" is entirely unprofessional and undiplomatic. I doubt he's spent more than a day in any of those countries, and I doubt even more that he's taken the time to explore their unique and diverse cultures.

  3. Not only is completely disgraceful considering he's the president of a nation of immigrants, but also the fact the he seems to think problems don't exist for others if they're not his. The point of being our president is not only to serve citizens but those wanting to be citizens as well, these people flee from war, turmoil or hunger and he has the nerve to disrespect them even when they're risking everything to come here.

  4. It's also frustrating that other people who clearly heard him saying that completely denied the comment. It's like they are censoring themselves from any crude remarks made by him. absolutely horrible, the truth needs to be spoken whether the party likes it or not.
