Myah Hasbany
1st period
As tensions increase in america over North Korea, Hawaii, more than any of the other states, prepares for attacks. The state has received many threats over the years, especially under the Obama administration in 2009. Threats were made to send missiles to the islands, and experts now believe their main target will be Pearl Harbor According to Miyagi, the state's expert on natural disasters and the North Korean threat, there could be "about 50,000 to 120,000 trauma and burn casualties together with nearly 18,000 fatalities." The explosion would have a impact on about 8 miles, and would cause damage to Daniel K. Inouye International Airport, Honolulu Harbor, Pearl Harbor, countless government buildings, and several hospitals. This would also leave the islands open for more attacks. however, in Miyagi's opinion, "any attack against us is suicide", because U.S retaliation would have a much deadlier impact. Miyagi has been holding meetings informing residents of the islands and officials of the possible effects of the attacks. And for the first time in three decades, the nuclear attack warning siren will be tested.
This article was written to inform citizens outside of Hawaii about the possible threats they are facing. I find the information in this article extremely interesting because of its similarity to the Pearl Harbor attack on December 7, 1941.
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