Sunday, November 12, 2017

60,000 White Nationalists Interrupt Polish Independence Day

   On Saturday November 11, 2017 approximately 60,000 white nationalists held a protest on Poland's  Independence Day. The banner's said things such as "White Europe" and "Europe Must be White". They also chanted things like "White Europe" and "Pray for Islamic Holocaust".  I was completely disgusted with this protest for too many reasons to name-one being the racism, Islamophobia, discrimination, and most all-deranged nativism. Praying for another holocaust not only prays for the torture, rape, suffocation, discrimination and slaughter of millions of people but completely mocks the survivors of the original holocaust. I always find it ironic when white nationalists or supremacists become disgusted when people assume they're Hitler followers and then pray for another holocaust.

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