Bear with me, I understand The Onion is a satirical news website and should hardly ever be taken seriously. However, this article is filled to the brim with problems that face our world today. The basis is that a woman is harassed in her workplace and reports a claim that will be answered in 2036. The satirical aspect of this article is that women and men are constantly making sexual assault allegations and it takes years for an action to be made on said allegation. Sometimes, they're completely ignored and never dealt with, leaving people with trauma, fear, and anger towards the government and their companies. These kind of situations are the kind of thing that come up every day in our country and nothing is done! Everyone deserves a right to feel like a human being when it comes to being treated like an object. Throughout history, people have been harassed in many a different ways, women being the main targets, and in a world where we claim to be "changing" and "progressive" however, we have to make SATIRICAL articles about how women are mistreated to get a point across. This should no longer be happening and it sickens me to write about it.
It is good to hear that this issue is being brought up more recently even though it is sad to know all of this has happened. Women have been harassed and assaulted for years with no justice. Many women are now coming forward with their stories and gaining confidence to share they're sad stories with the world. Hopefully the awareness will make changes in our society.