Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Emily Shaw

colliding neutron stars

for the first time, astronomer have caught two neutron stars colliding. it is a dramatic demonstration to how astrophysics is being transformed through the newfound ability to detect gravitational waves. Neutron stars spew out visible cosmic fireworks when coming together. When scientist managed to spot these neutron stars it was likely that they had spent more than 11 billion years circling around each other. the explosive impact had sent a ripple in space-time that had managed to reach earth. Estimates suggest that this collision had produced about 500 earth masses of gold and 200 earth masses of platinum.

I thought this was neat because, like, what are the chances of seeing this, yeah? next, they are hoping to be able to witness a super nova in the galaxy that occur every 50 years or so. so yeah, neat. cant wait to see what's next.

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