Monday, February 1, 2016

Speeding Cop Pulled Over by Woman- Nicole Chatham 6th period

The article that I read this week talked about how a woman turned the tables and pulled over a cop for speeding in Miami. Claudia Castillo said that she was tired of cops speeding through her neighborhood and that one day when a cop sped past so quickly, her own car shook from side to side. She then started to speed up to see how fast he was going but stopped at 80 mph because he was apparently going much faster than that. Finally she was able to pull over next to him when they were stopped in traffic and could speak with him about how fast he was going. She told him that "leaders should lead by example" and the officer even apologized and said that he would "be sure to slow down".

Analysis- This is such an intriguing article as it is not something you read about everyday! Police officers are supposed to be enforcing the rules, not breaking them, and it's cool how someone took a stand against that! I can relate this news article back in US history to the Progressive Era and the creation of many political reforms like the initiative, referendum and recall. Through those reforms, power was placed in the hands of the people in an effort to bring order and manage parts of the government effectively. The power of recall allowed the people to remove someone from office who was not suitable for the job, and this is similar to the article as the woman addressed the authority figure with warning regarding the rules. It just goes to show how no one should be above the law!

Link to the article


  1. Yeah that's super interesting! That police officer was being dumb and it's super cool that woman was willing to stand up to him and tell him he was in the wrong.

  2. I thought this was such a unique event, and I'm glad the officer was polite. Here's the video on if anyone's interested.

  3. Wow. Hard to find a cop that admits he was in the wrong. im glad the women said something - Bernadette Negrete

  4. Very good synthesis, this situation happens a lot, and it is always good to hear when the people take a stand for what is right against those who abuse power.

    Michaela Molden, 5th Period
