Tuesday, February 23, 2016

President Obama Revealing plan to finally close Guantanamo Bay By: Luis Ceja

Today President Obama Is expected to give a speech in which he will lay out a plan to shut down Guantanamo Bay. Coming into his last year in congress he wants to make good on his promise from his 2008 campaign. He will have tough obstacles ahead of him though. In the past the republican held congress has passed laws blocking any attempt to move detainees from Guantanamo. So this will still be a tough task. Many republicans have already denounced such a plan and say the will not vote for the proposal he is expected to send to congress. So this will be a tough battle to achieve his goal. I'm not sure if he will succeed but I hope he's successful. We are illegally keeping detaines without giving them a trial and we haven't proven a single one of them to be guilty. I believe in security and stopping terrorism. We can't give up are basic liberty's either though. This is similar to the likes of japanese internment camps and palmer raids. Neither had any viable proof for being carried out and showed how fear has led to rash and irrational actions.



  1. i hope he can do it! -Bernadette NEgrete

  2. i hope he can do it! -Bernadette NEgrete

  3. Hopefully he can fulfill the promises that he made in 2008!

  4. Matthew Homsher 9th- That's going to be difficult to pass with a republican congress.
