Sunday, February 28, 2016

Leap Year Babies Celebration! Bella Morris, 5th Period, Blog #2

Bella Morris
5th Period
02/29/15- Blog #2

      Martin Goodkin likes to say, "American presidents can't be chosen without his blessing." This year,  gay-rights activist and author will celebrate his birthday, a day that some people celebrate every four years. He is one of almost 5 million leap year babies in the world,  his birthday isn't just another day — it's a huge celebration.  "It's an election year and unless I have a party, they can't have the election -- that's the way it goes," Martin states. "Those are the rules. I do it every four years and I do it with a bang." Goodkin was born on February 29, 1936. Since his first leap year birthday, Goodkin and his family have made it a point to go hard on the party planning, since its something they do every four years. Why is leap year a thing, you ask? Well, every four years, an extra day is added to the Gregorian calendar to synchronize it with the solar year. In a leap year, the extra day is added at the end of February, giving it 29 days instead of 28. The extra day is called a leap day, or an intercalary day. The chances of being born on this day are one in 1,461! 
   Chloé Rosey was never a big fan of her leap year birthday. "I kind of hated it as a kid just because I didn't have an actual day, and all of my peers were so confused," she said. With a random stroke of luck, Rosey was born in the very last hour of February 29, 1988. She brags that all leap year babies are "forever young." So I guess being born on February 29, isn't so bad after all. 

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