Monday, February 22, 2016

Trump Attacks Cruz Calling Him "sick"-Molly Mitchell 5th


Republican candidate Donald Trump is at it again, targeting Ted Cruz this time with harsh criticism. Trump claims Cruz "is sick" and "unstable" after Cruz's surge above him in polls in Iowa. Although it isn't exactly new to hear of Donald Trump making petty comments towards his opponents and exhibiting that "Trump charm".


 Presidential candidates have been slamming each other since the elections of the early 1800"s, although this particular election seems to be much more petty and childish. I mean just personally, someone who is actually ten times less mature than my 12 year old brother should not even conceivably have the slightest chance of becoming our nations president, then again though, that is just my opinion.



  1. I agree with you. Why should an man with no sign of respect or maturity be even considered for being president? Some think he will pull us out of financial problems because he went from have no money at all to being a billionaire in just over a year. Just goes to show how educated the people are who are voting for him. (Angelique Flores 9th)

  2. Bashing the other candidates like that is so immature and sign of a poor candidate.
    Bella Di Fazio pd:8

  3. Matthew Homsher 9th- Donald Trump's debate strategy relies completely on ad hominem (attacking others to avoid answering the question). A good president needs to be able to answer the hard questions, not avoid them.
