Monday, February 29, 2016

Adriana Hinojosa, Period 8, KKK Rally? 2016?

There is no doubt that history repeats itself. This has proven true over the years and will always be the case. This weekend, though, old ways were brought back in the worst way possible. There was a KKK rally in Anaheim, CA. That in and of itself is bad enough but at the rally 3 people were stabbed. I'm really nervous for Super Tuesday tomorrow because I'm at a point where I'm really scared for our country. The KKK endorsed Donald Trump and that just goes to show what kind of a candidate he is. It feels that instead of moving forward, we are moving backwards as a country. These hate groups used to be a lot more prominent in society and their making a comeback really doesn't make sense. I hope that the best candidate wins this election and does everything in his power to better this country. Violent acts like what happened in Anaheim are always happening, I know, but for the KKK to even still be in existence and having goals to solely attack innocent people is outdated, absurd, and sad. 
Ku Klux Klan rally
Ku Klux Klan rally


  1. It's so scary to think the kkk are still active and organizing. groups like these really need to be watched and eventually stopped.

  2. Plus, Donald Trump has never rejected their support, and generally avoids the question. We're repeating history.
    Matthew Taylor

  3. Nicholas Godfrey Period 8:
    Donald Trump was asked in an interview about his opinion on the White Supremacist groups and he replied that he would need to do more research on them before he made a statement. I think he was trying to stay impartial to not lose voters or something, but after the exploding reaction, he claimed that he had a "faulty earpiece" and couldn't understand the question.

  4. The KKK hides behind the freedom of speech amendment but with actions like these, they're obviously a domestic terrorist group.
    Bella Di Fazio 8th
