Sunday, January 24, 2016

New Lightbulb Innovations -Nicole Chatham 6th period

The article that I read this week talked about LED bulbs and some very creative new ideas for them. Because the circuitry in a LED bulb can be made very small, there is a lot more space available inside to add chips that connect the light bulb to your home network. This concept has been a part of the smart-bulb revolution that had begun a couple years back; however, these new ideas are sure to surprise you! There are now light bulbs for power outages, home security, music, and as Wi-Fi extenders! It's pretty awesome how many new jobs that these light bulbs can have!

Analysis- I found this article to be very interesting and exciting! It is crazy to see how far our technology has come to where we can now have light even through power outages! I can relate this article back in US history to when Thomas Edison created the first electric light bulb during the Gilded Age. The invention of the light bulb revolutionized industry as people could now work at night, along with american life in general! I bet he would be proud to see how his invention has progressed so much over the years!


  1. This is very interesting. I agree with you, I think Edison would be proud to see how far his invention has progressed.

  2. This is so cool! I think that it is interesting that even though Thomas Edison invented the light bulb like over 130 years ago, there we are still coming up with new innovations with it and new ways that it can be beneficial to us.
    - Isabella Montague 5th period
