Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Mass shooting planned -Kennedy Park prd 4

23 year old Milwaukee resident arrested and charged for attempting to kill people at a masonic temple. Samy Mohamed Hamzeh was arrested because he was recorded planning out how he was going to achieve his goal of murdering 30 or more people in this temple. The article goes on to talk about his religion which is Muslim and how he was "defending Islam."
I think it's crazy the amount of attention that these articles get. I absolutely hate that this article mostly talks about his religion and that he was "defending Islam." I hear about it every day on the news that soon we're all going to be dead because ISIS is going to "kill us all" and that we're being over run like the Nazis did with the lobster effect. Yes there is a crazy group of people that would like to do harm to Americans and yes we should be afraid of them and yes we should try to stop them. But now this feeling of being afraid is overrunning our daily lives and causing us to look and want to treat a group of Americans differently because of it. This was one man out of millions. This CNN story is similar to the yellow pages in that they blow up a story hoping to get more views on it when all they're really doing is just causing more fear and anger in the world than there already was.


  1. Just awful to hear, not to mention people will get further misunderstanding of Islam, which isn't even a violent religion.

  2. This is awful to hear. Just another thing to add more fuel to the fire.

  3. I completely agree with you. This terror is taking over our lives. All of the latest newspaper articles and news segments on tv are about ISIS. Most of them are extreme and the title always makes it sound so much more extreme, just like yellow journalism.

  4. I agree with the first comment, the longer these terroristic groups continue to cause chaos and destruction in the name of "islam" will only cause this religion and anyone associated with it to become a scapegoat. Which is not fair for those who are also scred and want these terrorists to be stopped.

  5. I feel like this will be another example people will used against Muslims. Just because one person does a horrible act, doesn't mean they are all planning to follow.
    Bella Di Fazio pd:8
