Monday, January 25, 2016

Young Asylum-Seeker stabs Refugee Worker to Death-Molly Mitchell 5th


A boy, believed to be 15, stabbed a Swedish woman to death in an asylum-seeker home. The boys identity is currently unknown and the stabbing is not considered terrorist related at this time. Out of the eight young male residents of the house, all of different country origins, only one is believed to be involved in the stabbing of this 22 year old refugee worker, although multiple translators must be brought in to translate all of the boys before anything is conclusive.


It is a terrible tragedy that this would happen, especially in a country as safe as Sweden. But this does bring some parallels and questions to how Americans would react should this had happened on our soil. A refugee with no name and backstory stabbing a woman to death would only fuel the fires of fear and rage that every person seems to be giving into these days.



  1. It is terrible that a women dies from being stabbed to death. I hope they find the killer.

  2. This is definitely not a time to be alive if you're a refugee
