Sunday, January 31, 2016

Mykaela Johnson
Period 1
Teenage girls pose in racial slur shirt
The article I read from BuzzFeed discusses the outrage that has ensued after six Arizona teen girls wore shirts that spelled the N word. The girls wore the shirts for a school picture day involving their whole senior class. The particular photo spelling out the racial slur was of six senior girls at Desert Vista High School and was initially intended for snapchat. The photo spread rapidly all over social media and was soon acknowledged by parents of the school. This caused an entire dilemma between the parents and students of the school, and the principal. The principal said the girls would be disciplined, however students and parents weren't in agreement of that. There is now a petition going on to get the girls expelled.
Despite all the racism going on in our country and world, this one hurts the worst because it's coming from teenagers that are my age, meaning racism is ongoing and is continuing to develop in my generation and the generations to come. Obviously racism dates back all the way to the time of slavery, when African Americans were called the N word daily. Racism continued through the Civil Rights Movement, where African Americans fought for their rights in this country. And now, although we've been able to gain our rights, the fact that a group of people are bold enough to display that word and share it on social media hurts my heart and baffles my mind. Our world is going in the wrong direction and a change needs to happen in order to open the minds of the ignorant and less accepting.


  1. I don't think they really thought through how that would impact people, because apparently one of the girl's boyfriend was black and they were sending it to him. I hope he didn't stand for that and dumped her because that was really ignorant.

  2. No body thinks through things before they do it. They just kind of go for it. - Kayleigh S.
