Sunday, January 24, 2016

Not Even Republicans Want Trump - Max Gaddis 9th period

New York Times columnist David Brooks discussed Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin with Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus on PBS Newshour. He said the republican party was so scared of being conservative, they are basically radicalized and giving Trump the nomination would be a mistake. They go on to discuss how Sarah Palin's endorsement means nothing for Trump because some voters refuse to vote for her. They then say that Trump will not win more diverse states because there is a limit to how much he can do for them. There needs to be an amount of conservatism to his approach to win certain states. Cruz has been questioning if he has the same values as other Americans since he's so radical, which is a valid concern if he is to represent the republican party and even more valid if he is to represent America.

I think this is actually a good thing that his own party is questioning him because he's a crazy radical. They want the best, the one that will win for them, the one that will accurately represent their ideas and values, not someone who's way offbeat with what they as a political party are trying to say.

This connects to the Bull Moose party that Roosevelt created because his party didn't really want him anymore.


  1. Finally the Republican party is starting to realize what a big mistake they would make by nominating Trump. Thank goodness it's not too late. -Mattie Whisler 9th period Flex

  2. The Bull Moose party was actually created in support of Roosevelt in opposition to the original candidate of the Republican party. This caused a split in the party which made way for the Democratic candidate Woodrow Wilson to be victorious.
    Jasmine Rodriguez

  3. I hope this shows trump that his views are extremely problematic and outrageous that he doesn't have a party to run for.
    Bella Di Fazio pd:8
