Monday, January 25, 2016

Protests outside Phoenix, Arizona school, Desert Vista , After Racial Slur Photos

By:Tristin Manus 8th

summary: Some members of the NAACP protested outside of Desert Vista highschool in Phoenix, Arizona for their displayment of racial slur on t-shirts which said, N**er, by 6 Seniors on their social media accounts. The picture was originally for their class panoramic pictures which the message was, Best You've Have Ever Seen Class of 2016. 6 girls went out of their way to arrange their letters on their shirts to form the racial slur , N**ger. There have been outrage, disappointed and frustration from this event, a petition have been even made to receive justice for this racist action. Their only punishment they have received is a 5- day suspension, not anything else. The petition is for the decline want and evoking of all of the girls scholarships for their actions.

  Analysis: It's 2016. This is the epitome of white privellege and white superority. First of all their have been more than one instance of racial incidents at Desert Vista highschool, but no punishment for the students wrong doings. RACISM HAS NEVER LEFT. It's is intuitionalized, systematic and taught within the homes of these students. Racism is a learned behavior. Now how can some racist white girls get away with brodcasting racial slurs on their shirts but a Muslim boy was ASSUMED to have a bomb, interrogated and taken into custody because of assumptions. How can they get little to no punishment for their consequences and there are black kids who are dehumanized, killed, assaulted etc, JUST FOR BEING BLACK. A black eighth grader was sent to the principal's office because her natural hair was too "poofy" and "unprofessional". Black people have face ( and still do) so much discrimination just for our skin color. This is why #blacklivesmatter, for the type of incidents like this.


1 comment:

  1. Actually I heard that some of the girls have been rejected from the colleges they had recently gotten accepted. I agree that there should've been a bigger punishment since these girls are probably already 18 and are technically adults. (Alejandra Hernandez 6th period)
