Sunday, January 10, 2016

Father and Son Social Security Plot- Isabella Montague

          Nicholas Severino Jr. was given a three-year sentence after he confessed to working with his father, Nicholas Severino Sr., in a social security plot hatched by his father, who died in 1984. His father worked one job in the day under his own name, and another job at night under the false name of Frank DiCarlo. He got social security benefits under both names for a checking account he shared with his son, and when he died, his son was still getting social security money since there was no record of "Frank DiCarlo"'s death. Once police recently investigated the situation as Frank DiCarlo was supposed to turn 100 years old, they discovered the plot.

          This is an elaborate and somewhat clever scheme that Severino plotted, and it lasted for a long time. There are always people that are desperately trying to con in order to get more money, no matter what it costs them in the long run. It reminds me of all of the corruption during the Gilded Age, which we are studying now. People even then, mostly politicians and business bosses, scammed their way into fortune and wealth, many times unfairly but smartly taking money away from innocent people. The corruption then can still be found today. 

- Isabella Montague, 5th period

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