Sunday, January 10, 2016

China tears down gold Mao statue: Bella Morris, 5th Period/ Blog #1

      Mao Zedong is a Chinese communist known as the founding father of the people's Republic of China, which he governed as chairman of the communist party of China from 1949 until his death in 1976. To honor Mao Zedong, there was a 120 foot gold statue of him, seated in Tongxu County,  China. Just two days after the completion of the massive statue, embarrassed locals ordered for the statue to be torn down. Villagers say that, "demolition teams arrived on Thursday morning, and by Friday morning, only a pile of rubble remained." Many people were angered by the statue because of how much the creation process cost and how the money could have been used for something more important, such as health care and education imporvement. The cost of the statue was $465,000. This relates back to history in the sense of resembling people of people with large statues. Such as Andrew Jackson's statue in the "Jackson Square."
* A- The author of this article is written by CNN journalist, Euan McKirdy.
*P- The place and time of this event is January 7, 2016 in Tongxu County, China.
*P- The purpose of the tearing down of the statue is because of the embarrassed locals and villagers who did not support the use and waste of money of the statue.
*A- The audience of this article is directed to people who wanted to know about the statue and why it is being torn down.
*R- The reason this event was reported is because Mao Zedong was a famous communist in China and had a monument created for him, which was destroyed shortly after, wasting $465,000, that could have been used for more important things like health care and educational improvement.
*T- The main idea of this article is the reasoning behind the statue being torn down.
*S- The significance is the fact that so much money was put into this creation and how it was a waste because they torn the statue down shortly after it was created.

Pictures of the statue:


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