Sunday, January 10, 2016

American Artist found dead- Avery Yoss 4th

Ashley Olsen was found dead in her apartment in Italy. Her body had bruises and scratches on her neck, but until the autopsy is complete, police are treating it as a homicide. Her boyfriend, in an interview, said that she had been missing for a few days and he was the one who found her dead. It appears as if Ashley was strangled.

This is so sad, especially since Ashley was so loved in America by Full House watchers and of course the fashion world. I can't imagine how her twin sister is feeling. This is so scary, especially since it looks as if someone murdered her.


  1. It's very shocking to see someone who played a a large role/touched many audiences as an american pop culture star being murdered. May she rest in peace.

  2. I had no idea about this. This is completely shocking! I can't believe someone would do this!

  3. This is terrible... Lots of talent gone. First I've heard of a celebrity death in 2016.
    -Jack Higgins period 6

  4. oh wow i thought this was just a rumor at first. i hope they find the person who did this and she gets justice.
