Monday, November 23, 2015

Tajia Stroud (5th period): Mars Will Become a Ringed Planet When Phobos Dies***

   According to planetary scientists at the University of California at Berkeley, Mars' moon, Phobos will blast apart before colliding with the planet's atmosphere. They say that the debris will create a ring that will encompass Mars for millions of years. Research also shows that the moon, with grooves along the surface, is showing signs of stress from tidal forces. For earth, Phobos' dissolution with Mars, will bring the solar system's last inwardly migrating moon. “Inwardly migrating satellites — some of which may collide with their primaries — are likely to be an under-appreciated and important component of planetary evolution,” says the author of the article. 

   I think that since the moon won't necessarily collide with Mars until about 20 million to 40 million years from now, it mainly just leaves readers thinking what the future will be like for Mars, Earth, and the rest of the solar system. The story lets me know that all of the change happening (beyond what Earth is experiencing) contributes to perhaps new beginnings and fresh starts for all of us. Having to somewhat relate this to U.S. history, I personally thought that this article reminded me of the Anaconda Plan. This is because, at the beginning of the American Civil War,  General Winfield Scott devised a plan to blockade all Southern ports and advanced to cut the South in two. The blockade was considered to be "passive", ergo, it was derided by those who wanted a more vicious approach. That of an anaconda suffocating its victim. This related to the way that Mars' moon was going to so suddenly burst and surround the planet with rings of debris.


click here if you want to read the article.

Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Brenna Hale(6th Period)
    If I were to wish for immortality it wouldn't be for eternal youthfulness, I would want to live to see all these scientific breakthroughs forecasted for the generations ahead.
