Monday, November 23, 2015

Global debt defaults near milestone -Julianne Swaykus 6

     Global debt markets are in for a lot of trouble because companies recently aren't able to pay off their loans. "Currently, 99 global companies have defaulted since the year began, the second greatest tally in more than a decade and only exceeded by the financial crisis which saw 222 defaults in 2009, according to Standard & Poor’s." Since 2007, the proportion of corporate bonds have jumped from forty to fifty percent and markets now hope the Federal Reserve will lift interest rates for the first time in decades. 
    This is very alarming for many reasons. Could this be foreshadowing for a Panic of 2016? Our country is so in debt right now, it would take a lot to dig ourselves out of this hole we've created. Since companies have borrowed so heavily, the state of the credit market has become a big concern. I'm not sure what we could do to solve this problem but this issue need more public attention throughout the US.

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