After the terrorist attacks in Paris last week, there have been incidences of Islamophobia and discrimination here in the US and in Canada, committed by people who are afraid and concerned about security. On Wednesday at a Chicago Airport, two passengers were kept from boarding a Southwest Airlines flight because another passenger heard them speaking Arabic and got worried and reported them. The airline workers only held them for a short time, and then allowed them to board. Once they were on the plane, some passengers still were nervous, and when they saw a small box that one of the Arabic speakers Maher Khalil was carrying, they demanded that he open it. Khalil opened the box, which was carrying baklava, and actually offered the other passengers some.
Southwest Airlines officials said that they do not "tolerate discrimination of any kind" and that the men were only delayed for a few minutes. Other examples of discrimination have also occurred, like when six men of Middle Eastern descent were make to get off another plane in Chicago because they were asking other passengers if they could switch seats so the men could sit together. I hate that this exists even after so many people fought and died for this to not exist, its very saddening.
I want to express my condolences to the families who are lamenting. One point I want to make is if we truly care about it? Witnesses say they really hate that discrimination is a real thing because it's happens so often not only are we victims, but we also are "participants" of such actions. -Cassidy Jones
ReplyDeleteA few days ago, my parents were watching a movie at the AMC theater in Firewheel when they heard explosions outside. They said people started grabbing their stuff and running out of the theater in fear that it was a terrorist attack. My dad went outside to see what the noise was- it turned out to be fireworks- and when he came back inside, families were huddling in the hallway and crying.
ReplyDeleteWith all the recent years' terrorist attacks and mass shootings, I understand why they would be worried. But they shouldn't have to live in fear. That's very sad to me.
Also, it's pretty dumb of Firewheel to be setting off fireworks a week after Paris when obviously people who just hear the sounds are going to panic.