Monday, November 23, 2015

Heather Hatch 8th Period: Luis v. US

The US Supreme court is showing evidence of taking away the right to hire an attorney with your own funds. IN the federal court case Luis v. US Luis owns health care companies and was accused of a scam to defraud Medicare. The US attorney froze all of her money therefore not allowing her to hire a lawyer with her own money. People argue that it directly conflicts the 6th Amendment and I agree.
 The way the Supreme court has chosen to handle this is completely wrong. It is one thing to freeze the money earned in the crime, but to freeze all of her assets means she couldn't do anything to defend herself the way she wanted to. I believe this could backfire and what if a state appointed lawyer didn't get the best result, what if she was able to hire a lawyer the verdict would've been determined correctly. This contradicts the "Innocent until proven guilty" rule. They are automatically making her look more guilty because they are denying her the right to get her own defense. this can synthesize to the time when there was no just form of representation. The cases in the early days of the colonies was merely he said she said and was determined with a religious bias. The supreme court doing this Is unconstitutional and should be fought.


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