Sunday, March 29, 2015

Woman unable to vote By: ruby aguilar

A 93 years old African American woman from Philadelphia, is unable to vote because she cannot present a Pennsylvania photo ID. A Pennsylvania law requires that she presents that state photo ID card before voting, but she first needs to present a birth certificate. After finally getting her birth certificate, there was one more problem; on her birth certificate her name was Brooks, her name before the adoption. Her adoption papers also got lost in the office in Mississippi, and the state cannot track them down. So even though she marched with Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. for the right to vote, now she is unable to present the photo ID needed to vote.


  1. I think that's really unfair because she was fortunate enough to witness MLK Jr in the fight and also be apart of it only for things to go unfair for her just because the state itself lost her papers. I hope she gets to vote eventually and all this gets sorted out!

  2. Agreed! That's absolutely awful that the state lost her papers, especially after all this time.
    - Hannah Kalan 6th Period

  3. It makes me so angry that she can't vote because of something that isn't her fault. She stood up against racism and injustice so that she could have the right to do something that she now won't even be able to do at all? That is completely unfair.

  4. It is obvious that she qualifies to vote, so why they are preventing her I do not know. It is frustrating to watch, but it will be interesting to see if this story goes anywhere.
