Monday, March 16, 2015

An 81 year old man collapses in fire ant attack by Megan Darlington

The 81 year old was power washing his sidewalk when he hits an ant pile and the pile spews up all over his body. The ants were biting him and in an attempt to call for help, he manages to ring his door bell before he totally collapses and passes out on his front porch. His wife opened the door and was speechless seeing her husband still on the ground. With help of paramedics, the man is okay today. While the couple was seeking help, the local fire department came and finished power washing the elderly's sidewalk, showing the wife that people are still genuine today.
Helping the elderly out is a trend we see in history. A great example of help out the elderly in the social security act which helped people over 65 receive their social security for free, We need to treat our elders with all due respect because they have been in this world and helped shape the future we will live in.


  1. Well, this is an interesting way for someone to get hurt. It's awesome that the paramedics can help him, and I'm glad he's okay!

  2. I would have never thought about something like this occurring, but I am pleased to know that he recovered safely. I like how you alluded to the Social Security Act because it shows the care placed on the elderly people after they can no longer work.

  3. I'm glad that the man is okay and that the paramedics were able to help him. It was also great that the fire department aided them in getting rid of the ants.
