Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Airline Aisle Takedown - Corsica Steding

Last night, on a United Airlines Boeing 737 jet, pilots decided to make a U-turn when a passenger ran toward the cockpit screaming.  According to officials, the man was screaming “jihad, jihad.”  Passengers on the flight restricted him as he cried and screamed, “Please stop, please stop, they said to call if off,” and “I’m so sorry.”  The passengers had to hold him down all the way back to Dulles International Airport in suburban Washington where they arrived at 10:40 p.m.  Kimberly Gibbs, a spokeswoman for the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, said that “a passenger was removed from the plane and transported to a local hospital for evaluation.”  It’s not yet known if the man is still at the hospital, if he was indeed insane or what legal trouble might follow.

Holly Yan, Tina Burnside and Greg Botelho wrote this article for CNN on March 17th.  Before reading this article, I had heard a small segment about it on the news and saw a video of the incident.  The video portrayed much more violence than then the article depicted.  I hope that the truth behind this man’s actions are thoroughly looked into.  Events like this are very troubling and I hope that this man either gets the mental help he desperately needs or that officials discover his intent and motivation.



  1. That's terrifying. This reminds me of 9-11. If hi actions were indeed part of a plan, it could have ended up like it did on sept. 11th, 2001.

  2. How scary! I hope it was nothing too serious and that the hospital and investigators get to the bottom of it.

  3. Wow. With all the tension occurring throughout the world it is frightening to see airplanes as a way to harm others.

  4. If I had been on that flight, I would've been terrified. I'm just glad no real harm was done.

    -Rachel Devine (6th)
