Current Events Blog for Mrs. Countryman's AP United States History class at Booker T Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Dallas, Texas.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Amanda Knox conviction overturned - Noe Perales
Amanda Knox was being prosecuted after the naked body of British student Meredith Kercher,21, was found in the apartment they two women shared with her throat cut. Knox's boyfriend, Raffaele Sollecito, was convicted as well. He was cleared along Amanda on friday night.
Amanda was supposed to be sentenced to 28.5 years in prison, but as of friday seeks a normal life.
Prosecutors in the university town of Perugia said Knox directed Sollecito and another man, Rudy Guede, to hold Kercher down as Knox played with a knife before slashing her throat.
GPS Leads to Death By: Nina Bharadwaj, 2nd
Does America have money saved? Margaret Canady, 2nd period
Sobs in Court - Kalena Rodriguez p5
An 8-year-old boy in Boston was known as the young one telling people to "stop hurting one another" and is now known as the boy that was literally blown apart by a handmade bomb. This happened while he was watching the 2013 Marathon with his parents. multiple bombs set off by Tsarnaev's and Tsarnaev's brother ripped right through multiple civilians flesh and left others dead.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed in a gun battle a couple days after the bombings by police. bodies riddled in injuries and one specific victim stood out; the very kind and genuine eight year old buy. as this horrific event has made its smaller cases to court, the jurors are left in tears when the subject of this legendary boy comes to be the subject. this shows how catastrophic these events can be and how they most commonly hurt the most innocent in the crowd. such a loss touches a base with all the citizens of our nation.

The Nation's Largest Death Row, Runs Out Of Room/ Madeline Boreham/ 4th period
In the past decade no one on death row has been out to death in California, this leaves more than 750 prisoners waiting. They are now starting to have to scatter death row prisoners throughout other jails in California. It all started in a court case where California's lethal injection system was invalidated. The governor is making plans to expand the prison give the prisoners on death row a nicer facility and more staff. One of the main issues is bed shortages, but the governor's plan will not take action until July.
We come to a moral line here of choosing weather to let these prisoners last few years on earth be miserable or manageable. I do not think that the death sentence solves anything, but if we are going to have it it is nice to know that we are not sitting by and letting them go without beds despite what they might have done. It displays humanity in the governor by still taking care of the prisoners rights and needs after all of the things they have done to wind up on death row. These people have also waited a decade knowing that they are on death row, that in itself is torture and not fair to the prisoners. I am not saying that these people should be let off the hook for the things they have done. I am just saying that it is nice to know that the state of California will still want to give people their basic necessities. Something does need to be done soon to help alleviate the overflow, and I think that the governor's plan is a step in the right direction.
This article was written by Eyder Peralta for NPR to read the full article click the link below.
Monday, March 30, 2015
woman can't vote in philadelphia-raliegh jones
It's really interesting to see something like this happen because now days, people don't care to vote and they don't want too. They don't realize that people had to go through a lot in order to get those rights. People had to deal with beatings, innocent people being treated so badly, segregation through out the land in the 1960's and thankfully the civil rights movement being lead by MLK. But all this happened because of the issue of voting. I'm proud to see a women still giving a care about voting, especially since she had to go through the whole civil rights movement.
Sexual assault finally investigated- Hannah Clifford 5th Period
Two years ago, a college student in New York was sexually assaulted while sleeping on a subway. A video was put online, showing the actions on the bus. Only now has a suspect been looked at. According to his lawyer, there was a tip that he could be the one in the video, and they are trying to figure out what he was doing on that day two years ago. He has been arrested in the meantime, and his fate has yet to be decided.
This video was posted on CNN to give an update on this woman's struggle for justice. This is a disgusting crime. I don't know what was running through this guy's head, but the outcome was awful. The fact that this woman had to wait two years before a suspect was uncovered is ridiculous. It shows that our justice system is not taking this matter seriously. Sexual assault should never be taken lightly, and this girl's case should have been inspected immediately after the crime took place. Also, the choice to use online media to post this video publicly is similarly disgusting. Instead of sending the footage to the police, it was put on the Internet, where everyone could see the scarring event that will stay with this woman forever. Often, we will read messed up stories, real or not, because we enjoy seeing just how bad a situation can get and how a person deals with it. The media helps people to indulge in this sick pleasure by the way it publicizes each and every gory detail that left a permanent mark on the victim. This is what we've come to.
Death at NSA Gate- Kennedi Mayes
In Forte Meade, Maryland, one person is dead and two others are hospitalized as information about an unarmed vehicle trying to enter a National security gate. The driver of the car did not obey police officer instructions and the car was stopped by NSA agents. The person driving the vehicle drove the car towards a police car, which caused officers to start shooting. Attempting to breach the security was two men dressed as females. The investigation is still going; however, there was Cocaine found inside.
This is worrysome. How many people can we trust? I don't understand why someone would try to grt into national security this way.
U.S. voting rights under siege- Ausia Jones
Amanda Knox -Hadassah Lai
This case has been so long, that people forgot about it until last Friday. I think that if the court does not have enough evidence against something, they should just put the case on hold. The comparison between these two countries is that America would've held this one out much longer and not give a sentence, but Italy would and would continue to bring this case up again and again.
Hats Off to Volvo (Elizabeth Muscari p6th)
Germanwings Crash: More Than An Act of Terrorism- Mackenzie McGregor 6th period
Connecticut Bans State Funded Travel to Indiana - Hannah Kalan 6th Period
This could be taken as a step back from legislation made in the sixties and seventies, when a lot of rights' movements were taking place, however at the same time it shows just how far we've come as a nation, when people such as Mike Pence or Tim Cook fight back.
Click HERE to read the original article!
New Fire Extinguisher? - Iris Hughey p.5
I believe that it's stories like this one that inspire children especially to strive to be innovative and creative. Viet and Seth were just two normal college students trying to find a project for their final exam, and now they have invented something that could save thousands of lives and prevent further damage that water or normal fire extinguisher fluids could cause. I hope that their idea goes far and that they inspire others to try to make the world a better place by thinking outside of the box.
Is The Pilot of Germanwings To Blame? By Yasmine B (5th pd)
Link to article:
Trouble in Paradise - Elisa Weich - p. 5
Situations like these show the need of the American people for aid from the government. It is good that protocols have been set in place for protection and organization that was given by the national guard. The federal government is a necessary component in security.
Video Games (Ashton Garcia, 2nd)
See the thing is, is that it is still unclear that video games even effect a child, teen, or young adult. I would completely understand if it was suggested to not allow your child to play, or let them play in small doses due to common and recent school violence (one of my previous blogs, Columbine, etc.), but threatening and forcing only causes a situation to get worse, and most likely, people won't listen
"Indiana lawmakers engaging (yet again!) in petty anti-gay rights struggle" by Sam Schaffer
Fire in Brookline Kills 7 Children by Megan Darlington
This event is heart wrenching. To have 7 children die is so tragic. The father was out of town and still hadn't received the news. With the family observing their Jewish tradition, not having basic electronics really was an awful thing. This would relate to earlier times before modern electronics that we have now. If they had a smoke alarm, maybe this could have been prevented. I have this family in my prayers for a good emotional recovery.
Woman's Murder Case Tossed- Jazmin Garcia (2nd Period)
Debra Milke spent 22 years on death row, accused of killing her son with two other men for an insurance payout. A judge ruled that the Arizona woman is innocent and dismissed all charges against her, making her the 2nd woman to get away with death row. The detective said Milke confessed the crime to him, even if there weren't any witnesses or recording. The two men with whom helped Milke with the crime were also accused. They're being tried separately and are still on death row.
This relates to APUSH because throughout history, there have been many cases that have meant different things. Brown v Board of Education had to do with an African American woman being able to go to school, there have been cases about abortion and if it violated your rights like Roe v Wade. This case has been going on for a while until recently and to this day, Debra Milke is officially a free woman. I don't know if she actually killed her son or not, but this just goes to show that the court can have the final say and can also change your life for the better, or sometimes even for the worse.
Fort Meade Incident: 1 Dead as Men Dressed as Women Spark NSA Shooting - Jack VanGorden 4th per.
This article was written by Richard Esposito and Tracy Connor of NBC News on Mon March 30, 2015 at 9:46 AM. This story left me with several unanswered questions. I'm hoping that the suspect that is still alive will be able to tell them their motive. Something tells me that there wasn't one and that it was probably a result of mental illness. The outfits would explain this. At least we know now that NSA headquarters are heavily protected.
Hilary Clinton and Reporters Sharon Cordon 4th period
here is some of the insulting and sexist remarks towards Hilary Clinton.
The New York Times stated Hillary continued to “scramble in the dirt on the crabbed limbs of legal compliance.”
Washington Post comparing Hillary to a “stale, musty” old car.
The New Yorker prefers the derogatory term “petulant.”
USA Today refers to Hillary Clinton’s “reputation for secrecy.”
Washington Post: “[H]er judgment and penchant for secrecy.”
NBC News: “Folks, this is the Clinton Way. Secretive.”
TIME: “penchant for secrecy.”
New York Times: “[T]he imbroglio could grow into a problem with voters, including some women, if Mrs. Clinton comes to be seen as unduly secretive or imperious in the months ahead.”
Politico uses the same technique, opening an article by calling her “devious” then concluding it by asserting that “it’s hard to win if you’re constantly on the defensive.” See the trap? Attack her, then claim she’s on the defensive.
Similarly, the “inevitability” frame is an artificial perch that others place her on and then try to knock her off. When her behavior doesn’t conform to the media’s expectations, she is “defiant.”
Sunday, March 29, 2015
What Is The Source of Racism? by Madeline Ibarra Period 2
Its respectable that these fraternity boys come out and voice their apology, but the reasoning they are giving for using the chant seem to try to turn the attention away from them. We do not have any way to prove if what they are telling public is true or not. I think that there should be a larger investigation over racism in Greek Life across the country in various chapters. Now a days, corruption and hypocrisy live withing fraternities and sororities across the country. There is a special mindset those students get that gives them a light of privilege and belonging. Just because you are apart of one community does not mean that you can neglect another community.
Woman unable to vote By: ruby aguilar
Hillary Clinton aides reportedly emailed her from personal accounts
I believe she put herself in a very sticky situation. She for one let her business emails be sent to her personal email account, and second she deleted the emails permanently, implying to the public she has something to hide. This is also very bad publicity especially since there are rumors she wants to run for president. This related back to previous scandals in American history. Past officials have covered up there actions to prevent the real issue.
Maddie Murphy pd 6
Military planning to spend billions on new Air Force one
This is basically a decision based on money or safety. Do we keep spending money and going into further debt, or do we update our protection so we won't have to deal with future problems. This relates back to american history when our government has to decide the balance on money and where it should go. In this case it is going to improve military equipment. Just like in the Cold War, there was a massive increase in the building of military weapons and equipment for Americas safety.
Maddie Murphy pd 6
Library of Congress acquires rare trove of Civil War images
This is very interesting and awesome that this lady is offering precious pictures from our countries past to the library of congress. This lets us understand a little bit more of Americas history and what people actually went through. Although photographs have not been around forever, people would keep possessions that tell of past events to commemorate what the country and the people went through.
Maddie Murphy pd 6
Is a Stoner College Student the Mastermind Behind the Boston Marathon Bombing? - by Rachel Devine (6th)
I found this article to be very interesting. To be completely honest, it caught my eye because there was a picture of a goodlooking guy, which turned out to be Jahar. It is very strange that such a normal guy could be capable of such evil. The government needs to find a way to shut down the sites that al Qaeda puts up for recruitments. The recruitment process can be compared to that of the modern-KKK. The lives that were lost at the Boston Marathon will never be forgotten, and justice needs to be served.
German newspaper releases timeline of Germanwings flight before crash: Vivie Behrens (Period 6, Week 6)
This is one completely horrifying tragedy and it is causing international outrage and insecurity. Similarly, the 9-11 crash in New York City of the World Trade Center yielded like responses from the public: refrain from using air travel, increased security, etc. Although this crash was not the act of terrorism, it still shows how a leader (copilot Lubitz) betrayed the trust of his passengers and took advantage of his authority.
Dog Walks Again By: Zaria Chambers 5th period
Saturday, March 28, 2015
NASA Announces how close they are to Discovering Alien Life- Lossie Hudspeth
Friday, March 27, 2015
"Can China Promise Blue Skies for 2022 Winter Olympics?" - Addison Norman
Starting in the 60's we see a movement begin regarding the nations environment. It was a time people became more aware of the problems pollution created, especially after the industrial revolution. In this movement president Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency and other laws like the Clean Air Act.
Craigslist Case: Baby Cut From Womb - Corsica Steding
Emma Lacey-Bordeaux and AnneClaire Stapleton wrote this article for CNN on March 27th. I've never heard of anything like this happening before - it's incredibly horrific. It astounds me that they haven't discovered the motive yet. That seems to be the key question in this case - why would someone want to cut a stranger's fetus out of its womb? I hope that Wilkins recovers from this terrible event and that the attacker is punished for committing such an unfathomable act.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
White House set to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions- Lossie Hudspeth
The Athiests Next Door - 3rd Period
This Athiest act that is happening now traces back all the way to the Civil Rights Movement and for American life in 1940s-1960s. In the Soviet Union, they believed in communism where no one had a religion and everyone was equal. In America however, they wanted everyone to be individuals and unique so they encouraged a religion and the freedom to believe in anything that desired. As of today, they are more and more people who are becoming Athiests which contribute to the idea of freedom of religion and how it has evolved over time.
Olivia Lambert 3rd Period
Once In Our Lifetime Solar Eclipse at the North Pole - Sophia Davison
Monday, March 23, 2015
FBI continues investigation into hanging death - Madison Escano
While investigating the hanging death of Otis Byrd, 54, the FBI is consulting with its behavioral analysis unit to determine whether or not this hanging was the result of a homicide or suicide. Officials have revealed that over 30 federal, state, and local authorities are on the case. Byrd had been missing for two weeks before he was found hanging in a tree outside of Port Gibson, Mississippi.
This is such a tragedy whether it was by Byrd's own decision or he was brutally murdered. In reference to the latter, if it was in fact a lynching, it's disturbing that we haven't moved past attitudes and actions that are so hateful. Activists from even before the Civil Rights Movement were fighting to outlaw lynchings; therefore, why should this be an issue today? If this was a hate crime, I hope Byrd and his loved ones get the justice he deserves.
Brooklyn Fire kills 7 Children by: Milan Hamilton
I think this is so sad. What ultimately broke my heart was the many children that were in the house during this terrible time. My thoughts are with the mother and the daughter that are still living and I just pray that they find peace. This could easily be an example of how the progression of technology can be damaging. While they make our lives so much more efficient, they also have armful effects and can be very dangerous.
The "New" Obama- Kennedi Mayes
Ted Cruz, of Texas, has just confirmed that he was running for president. Cruz is a fresh politician and is bein compared to Obama because he is a new Senator and has two young daughters. Also, he is about the same age as Obama when he ran his first campaign. Cruz, a Republican, is looking to "reclaim the Constitution." Cruz is looking to ignite a spark in the evangelicals and bring them back to voting. Like Obama, he is also a great speaker.
This seems kind of a stretch to be comparing Cruz to Obama. They don't have the same goals or opinions. They're not even the same party. I can see how a few things relate, mainly the fact that they are both fresh Senators who ran for office. Besides that, I don't see any similarities.
Fire Kills Seven Children; Margaret Canady 2nd Period
A neighbor called 911 at 12:20 AM, and firefighters arrived on the scene less than 4 minutes later, but the fire had well advanced at that point. Over 100 firefighters went to the house that night to try and control the fire.
The only survivors were the 45 year old mother and her 14 year old daughter, both who were able to jump out of the window to escape the flames.
This is such a tragic's so hard to cope with the loss of small children, especially in freak accidents such as this. Perhaps having a smoke detector in the kitchen would have prevented this from happening. Whatever the case, my thoughts go out to the family in their time of loss.
Mother's love was not enough By Madeline Ibarra
I was disgusted even reading this article. I have no idea what could have possessed this woman to kill her own children. Because there was no other person in the house, i do not see how this could have been avoided by the children against a fully grown woman. What is puzzling as well is the question of where was the father and what sort of physiological signs had been shown before the horrible event. I pray that the youngest boy get through a full recovery and be taken from the custody of his mother.