Monday, November 3, 2014

The New World Trade Center
September 11, 2001 was a day that no one will ever forget. Even I, a 3 year old at the time remember it and how my parents and adults around me took it. Today there is a new building commemorating the people who died in that tragic event and it rises higher than the building ever was before.

The 9-11 memorial and new towers really symbolize this country and how supportive we are of one another. If we all went around like we did in the 18th century, no one would care enough to worry about other people's lives and we really just have grown so much in humanity.


  1. That's a day that we will all remember, the new towers are beautiful.

  2. It is important to remember, but also to move on. It is time for the new towers, the towers empower us as a nation to stand tall. They really represent the strength of this nation and a better tomorrow.
