Monday, November 3, 2014

Police: FAA no-fly zone over Ferguson not meant to ban media: Reign Washington

Since the shoot of a young African American male in Ferguson, Missouri there has been an ongoing time of chaos and confusion. Now there is a no fly zone in Ferguson or you could say over Ferguson. Many say that it is because of press and exposure of the suburb and safety for its' citizens. Many disagree because there would be press any way due to past events and ongoing events in Ferguson.

I beleive that there is no stopping the press in Ferguson and in the constitution, which includes a bill of rights, includes the first amendment that states that we have the freedom of press. I also want to point out that the barricades are sort of a display on how rights can me moved around and changed for one side of a situation.


  1. You can't create a "No Fly Zone" over one of the cities in your OWN COUNTRY. Especially not one as big as Ferguson. This whole debacle is being handled very poorly, and the rights of the citizens need to stop being infringed upon and ignored all together.

  2. I agree with Corran this whole situation has been mishandled.
    If we are going to move forward than we need to treat these people as what they are, citizens seeking equality.
