Monday, November 17, 2014

4 workers Die in Texas Chemical Plant Leak by Megan Darlington

4 workers were killed after a chemical leak in Texas, on the eastern outskirts of texas. The chemical that leaked was methyl mercapatan which is used in insecticides. The cause of this leak is still under investigation. One man has been hospitalized, but sadly, four have still passed away. Neighbors smelled the chemical odor but there is no need for people to go into safety shelters!
This is scary considering how the workers were under the impression that they were safe. Chemical leaks could happen anywhere at anytime and its vital that we have proper methods of storing these chemicals. Chemistry is so interesting, but at the same time, many chemicals are fatal and you cannot mess around with out proper safety precautions.


  1. This is why things like this need to be more regulated! Incidents like this could be avoided if there was more government oversight and accountability on the part of the corporations.

  2. I agree with Corran, there will always be a risk but we can take extra precaution to lower that level. This shows how quickly things can change. I hope that the corporation these men worked for will respond to it in a way that will help prevent it in the future.

  3. Sounds Like one of those freak accidents. It could've been prevented but sadly these events will never cease to exist'

    Julian SMith
