Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Hong Kong Begins Clearing Main Protest Camp As Demonstrators Watch/ Madeline Boreham

In Hong Kong the court has ruled with the government, and started to take down the main camp for student protesters. The students have been staying at the base for the past two months now.
The student protesters did not object to the movement and will not let it affect them. Joshua Wong, head of Scholarism (Student group) stated " We will proceed on the principle of peace and nonviolence.

These students are fighting for what they believe in whiteout violence. It is wonderful to see them acting in a non-violent way and maintaining diplomacy.  Even if it wasn't the results they had hoped for they are continuing to raise their voices and make an impact.  They will carry on until they achieve their goal. Thankfully there was no violence involved and everyone complied. This will just allow them to have a bigger impact later, because people see that they are not violent nor radical. This connects to the first amendment, our freedom of speech enables us to have an impact. I think we should look at this and use it as inspiration to go out and share our opinions and try to  make a difference. 

This article was written by Chris Hopkins for NPR. To read the full article click below.



  1. good stuff! I kinda wish more of this was going on in America

    Julian Smith

  2. Wow, this must be hard for them to take such a stand. The first amendment really is important.

  3. This is a really great event, as it shows how lucky we are to have the first amendment. Hopeful China will see the necessity of the freedom of speech one day.
