Monday, November 10, 2014

Kenneth Bae and Matthew Todd Miller, Unexpectedly Released by North Korea, Are Back on U.S. Soil, madana kloss 4th period

Yesterday, Kenneth Bae and Matthew Miller were suddenly released from North Korea. Bae had been held for two years after he was detained on charges of using a Christian evangelical organization to over throw the North Korean government in 2012. Shortly after, he was tried and sentenced to 15 years of hard labor at a farm. Miller entered North Korea April 2014 and reportedly ripped up his visa, and demanded that he was sought asylum. He was charged with unruly behavior, however North Korean officials suspected he was trying to get inside a North Korean labor camp, and to write about what it was like in there. Unexpectedly, they arrived back at the states late Saturday night in Tacoma, Washington.

In conclusion, I have some questions:

-How do you think they have changed since their imprisonment ? Will there be significant health-related issues to the way they were treated in North Korea? -Do you think this has anything to do with the disappearance  of North Korea leader Kim Jong-un?

-With Obama criticized with being a weak on his foreign policy, do you think he will push for better foreign policy for the next two years? Or will he be lock in a head-on war with the Republicans?

-Do you think that North Korea might be opening up a little to the rest of the world?

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