Monday, November 10, 2014

Hong Kong Protestors Face Arrest - Froy Gutierrez 4th

Hong Kong official warns citizens that Hong Kong protestors will be placed under arrest if they dare protest again. This is a huge limitation to the freedom of speech and public assembly. During the American revolution, we could protest quite often due to the separation between the USA and England, and also due to the fact that redcoats and colonists alike had similar weaponry. However, with the advent of modern technology, including transportation and highly destructive weapons, such protestors as the ones in Hong Kong face an uncertain future. Hopefully eastern civilizations can learn to be more open minded with regards to civil freedoms. If more protests are made, more attention will be paid to these calls for help. But due to the overwhelming amount of power possessed by China, protestors in Hong Kong will be unable to put up a good fight against the heavy hits of the Chinese government.


  1. I think this makes us realize how lucky we are to live where we do, because of the rights we have. As a country we need to help those who do not have the luxury of freedom that we have.

  2. this makes me wanna go protest the inability to protest in hong kong. but in all seriousness this sort of thing raises the question over wether or not the US with our "supreme" way of doing things should intervene
