Monday, November 10, 2014

It's Not What It Seems by Madeline Ibarra Period 2

Every year, there are thousands of children who get their hands on detergent packets used for a more convenient load of laundry. These packets are colorful oddly enough looking like a candy of some sort. From March 2012 to now, more than 15,000 children under the age of 6 have ingested these packets and become severely ill. They suffer from poisoning due to the detergent. They can experience vomiting, fevers, blindness if in contact with the eyes, and on worst case scenario, death. Many of these young victims have to be treated at ERs and hospitals. Officials are finally coming out and calling for prevention of this confusion only after so many have suffered. They ask that all companies who produce these packets to take more caution when labeling the containers and possibly changing the happy fun coloring to something more understandable. Parents can also help by keeping the detergent better kept from their kids, like in high hard to reach areas

Kids are adventurous and look for thing to play with. When one may come across a colorful fun packet, they may confuse it for a toy or some candy. The packets are very bright which could lead to confusion. It is not the fault of the companies or the parents for the children coming in contact with the detergent. However, both can take steps to preventing further damage to be done. There has never been a problem with the classic powder or liquid used before the packets. Even if it may come across as more convenient or economic, the classic is always safer and easier to protect others from.


  1. I feel like both the companies and the parents have to do their best to prevent children form consuming the packs.The responsibility doesn't just fall upon one party.

  2. Agreed with Elvira. The responsibility falls on both the parents and the companies. And I agree, both should take more consideration to take care of children. Hopefully things will change

  3. I agree with the above comments but it is a sad thing to even have to discuss...

  4. This is such an awful situation. Young children are always just so curious that one needs to take more caution when just leaving these packets around. I agree with you in saying that many steps can be taken to prevent this accident, and hopefully parents and companies do their part to ensure safety.

  5. This sounds like something that the parents could fix. Maybe putting the detergent packets in a place kids can't get to.
