Monday, November 10, 2014

Dr. Craig Spencer: Ebola-Free (Elizabeth Muscari P6th)

The Ebola patient in New York has been declared virus-free as of Tuesday. Dr. Craig Spencer came in contact with Ebola while treating patients in Guinea. He finished his work on October 12th, and began showing symptoms after he arrived in the United States. He was treated at New York’s Bellevue Hospital.

Analysis: I think that this relates to the AIDS epidemic, only on a less dramatic scale. Many people believed that Ebola would spread through every town in America by the end of the year simply because a handful of people became ill from the virus. However, as of Tuesday, Dr. Craig Spencer was the last person in America to have had the virus and be cured from it. Do you think any more cases will emerge? 

Written by Elizabeth Muscari Period 6
Courtesy of CNN U.S News 

1 comment:

  1. This does remind me of the AIDS epidemic. I'm so glad that our doctors and nation worked hard to control and stop the disease. We were very lucky because if we weren't careful, it could have been a big devastation in America loosing a lot of our friends and family.

    Maddie Murphy pd 6
