Tuesday, November 11, 2014

American Money - Rachel Webb 3rd Period

Finding money for students to go to college is soon to be one of America's biggest problems. In this article, the issue of the rising cost of college is outlined. The cost of a college education has risen 500% since 1985. Nothing in American life has risen in cost as quickly as the cost of college, and the result will not be pretty in another 30 years. This, potentially, could break our nation to pieces because of the burden it has, is, and will place on the economy.  Not only is the economy in danger, families are also at risk. While many parents can barely pay for a house, the amount of money required to pay for an education is sky-rocketing. I know, there are so many opportunities for "free money". Population is growing, the amount of kids is doubling. Supply (students) will very soon over-grow demand (funds). This is a problem that needs to be fixed. We need a good strategic economic leader like Alexander Hamilton, ASAP. I want my children to be able to get a good education at a reasonable price, because now  I don't even see the significance in paying $50,000 per year for a college education. Let me know how you feel about this topic below.

- http://money.cnn.com/2014/11/02/pf/college/for-profit-college-degree/index.html?hpt=us_bn5


  1. I was just recently talking to my mom about this. She said that when she was applying to college, there were only a few options for her and the price was pretty reasonable. It's just hard accept how high these prices have risen.

  2. This has terrible effects on our economy. If prices continue to rise, there will be less educated people, a lack of filled jobs and a huge increase in unemployment. Hopefully we can work something out to fix this.

  3. I agree with both Hannah and Froy. These prices keep rising and become harder and harder to pay and are putting more people in bad financial situations. This will eventually cause major economic problems and less people will be uneducated therefore our country will then decrease instead of increasing as planned.
    -Glenna Loughlin 5th
