Saturday, February 2, 2019

Zandrea Sanders-- States allowing parents to get out of vaccinations

The article I chose is about two states, Washington and Oregon, experiencing a measles outbreak which allows parents to opt out of vaccines because they want to. "I've been saying now for the last couple of years, it's only a matter of time before we see a horrific measles outbreak in the Pacific Northwest" said Dr. Peter-Hotez, who is the co-director of the Texas Children's Hospital Center for Vaccine Development. All states reuire immunizations for children to attende school, and forty seven states allow parents to opt out of vaccines if they have beliefs that go against them. These states have high levels of unvaccinated children and are vulnerable to measles outbreaks. On Friday, Washington Gov Jay Inslee declared a state of emergency after 35 cases of measles.

This compares to 1793 when Yellow fever was spread in one summer, refugees leaving a yellow fever epidemic in the Caribbean Islands sailed in, carrying the virus with them. It causes yellowing of the skin, fever, and lboody vomiting. Five thousand people died and 17,000 left tghe city. A vaccine ended up getting developed and it is enough for life.


  1. I just had a conversation about this today at lunch.

  2. I hope that everyone will be ok regardless of their parents decisions

  3. I hope people really are okay. I think vaccines can be important depending on what you’re getting it for.
