Sunday, February 3, 2019

Candice Payne Got 30 Hotel Rooms for Homeless People in Chicago During Severe Cold Snap --- Lily McCollum

In the midst of a severe freeze in Chicago Candice Payne provided over 100 homeless people with food, shelter, and clothes over night. As temperatures dropped as low as minus 26 she got people together after buying hotel rooms, toiletries, snacks, and much more. She personally spent nearly $5,000 and received thousands of dollars in donations to help.

It is heart warming to see such a great act of kindness. The news is so full of conflict and hate right now, so it is great to hear of random goodness in America. I think this article was partially written to inform people of this story, but also inspire people to make a change in their community. Payne is not some rich philanthropist, she is a real person who decided to do something good. I hope her story inspires others.

This reminds me of the women working in the Gilded Age, like Jane Addams and the Hull House. They worked to help the lives of the less fortunate for no reward, just like Candice Payne.

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