Monday, February 4, 2019

Candice Payne Got 30 Hotel Rooms for Homeless People in Chicago During Severe Cold Snap - Emma Hancock

Candice Payne Got 30 Hotel Rooms for Homeless People in Chicago During Severe Cold Snap
Candace Payne is a real estate broker that helped more than 100 homeless people in Chicago stay in hotel rooms as the temperatures decreased to around -26 degrees. This deadly cold weather would have cause severe damage to these peoples' health and could have possibly killed some. Ms. Payne paid for the rooms on her credit card and received CashApp donations after asking for help on instagram with transportation. The pickup location was in tent city, a place where many homeless people set up tents to reside. Ms. Payne provided toiletries, food, prenatal vitamins, lotions, deodorants, and snacks to comfort those staying. Other people starting calling in to pitch in for rooms, the manager, Robyn Smith, even lowered prices to accommodate. With donations and accommodated prices, Ms. Payne has been able to provide shelter and food until Sunday. Ms. Payne describes herself as a normal girl who isn't rich that was able to do this with the help of others, and says "This was a temporary fix, and it has inspired me to come up with more of a permanent solution," and received a thanks from the Governor of Illinois, J.B. Pritzker.

I think this is a really important story that sets an example for the people around America, it shows that it just takes one person to reach out to a community and help those in need. Although Ms. Payne did not have all of the money herself, it was her passion and reach to those around her that made this possible. I hope that the US will be inspired by this event and start doing more to help in times of need. This reminds me of Jane Addams who helped immigrants in the early 20th century by providing shelter and food and brought together a community.

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