Monday, February 4, 2019

Alex Carrington- Virginia Lt. Gov. Accused of Sexual Assault

This article was written today, Monday February 4, 2019, by Brooke Singman at Fox News. This revealing article is about Virginia’s Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax who was recently issued a forceful allegation of sexual assault. The assault supposedly occurred 15 years ago.
Fairfax who would be next in line for governor should Northam bow to pressure and resign after the situation with blackface in his school yearbook, then issued trusting denial, calling the allegation “defamatory” and “false.”
Many believe that these allegations are completely false. “Lt. Governor Fairfax has an outstanding and well-earned reputation for treating people with dignity and respect,” the statement from his office read. “He has never assaulted anyone—ever—in any way, shape, or form.”

The many women stepping up and revealing their truths to the world is such a powerful movement; however, the line between truth and falsity is steadily becoming blurred. Not to say that this allegation is false, but the growing amount of false allegations is manifesting a movement that is losing trust.

1 comment:

  1. What a shame, things like this seem so normal to us nowadays, I feel like another public figure is exposed every week. - Madison Malonson
