Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Jacob Meazle - Reports of Hate and Bias Incidents Rise in Maryland, Says State Police Report

-Written: 6:26 PM on October 24, 2017
-Author: CBS (Specific journalist not mentioned)
-Link: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/reports-hate-bias-incidents-rise-in-maryland-state-police-report/
Summary: A surge in hate and white supremacy incidents has occurred in several states, especially Maryland. In 2015, 203 reports were filed. This last year? 285 - a 40 percent increase. Many were inconclusive, but this is still concerning. Most noticeable, a high school student (African-American) was repeatedly stabbed to death. The suspect was completely unprovoked and was later sentenced to a large prison sentence.

Position: This relates to the hundreds of years of mistreatment of African-Americans before 1900. The level of hate and separation this country is experiencing right now is completely unacceptable. Our country was built on the principal of "all men are created equal." Why then, should we violate the very structure we live on?


  1. I agree with you, but we also have to take into account what kind of people established what this nation would be. Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner, and still wrote "all men are created equal." I believe our current president is encouraging the type of behavior that was acceptable in that time period. It's our responsibility to protest and re-establish was our country stands for.

  2. Take into account this country is built upon irony. Our founding founders didn't even consider other races to be equals. Though I do agree with you. Times have changed, wars have been fought, and protests have been made. It's amazing how we got to here yet people just put us one step back in racial equality because of their ignorance and refusal to accept other races as equals
