Sunday, January 8, 2017

Alyssa Sartuche- 3 dead after stolen car crash

Summary: On Sunday around 6 pm. in New York State police are saying that a stolen car has crashed into a pond and 3 people have died. They found out the car was stolen because the license plate reader said it was a hit. When police went looking for the Honda they immediately found it but did not turn on its lights on the car because they didn't want to scare the person driving and let them know they were following them. All of the sudden the vechicle began to speed up and ended crashing into a fence and overturned into a pond. By definition it was not a chase because the police did not have their lights on so they can safely say the police did not cause the accident.

Analysis: This whole situation seems really weird. I feel like almost the person driving wanted to kill the other two in the car or himself because why would he have just speeded up like that. He police did not have their lights on so the driver didn't see them following them. I do agree with the " it's was not a chase, by definition it was not a chase" because the police man said he  was simply following them from a distance waiting for backup. He wasn't on their tail with lights or sirens. There is no way he could have caused this.


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